Monday, June 1, 2009


Well, I made it across the finish line - and what a feeling...of utter exhaustion (and pride)!

Here is a picture of the start of the run.
There were 2077 people running the half-marathon and I came 1949th (which means there were 128 behind me - so I did NOT come last!). My final time was 2 hours, 30 minutes and 20 seconds. I am mighty proud of my effort and am even thinking about my next goal. I am definitely running the next 2010 SBS Half-Marathon and will endeavour to beat my time (I say 2 hours and 10 minutes).

Here is Kristie and I waiting in the shelter before the run. Kristie is the one who persuaded me to enter the half-marathon.

Unfortunately, the weather decided to spring an icy snap on the day - boy was it cold! As we crossed the starting line it was hailing, but actually other than the very cold southerly wind, it was not too bad.

If you look closely, you can see me running (I am fifth from the left).

The last 3km around part of Hagley Park were the worst. My legs were heavy and I was going at a very, very, very slow pace. It didn't help when the very first male full marathon runner sprinted by me ( so he must have passed me twice!) can someone run that fast for so long? Needless to say I am pretty sore. My calves and thighs are the worst. I relaxed in the spa - at Pioneer Stadium yesterday and Jellie Park today - which has helped a bit. After the race yesterday I spent most of the afternoon on the couch - I even watched half of the Warriors game because I couldn't move! People say to eat plenty of protein after a good amount of exercise, so I treated myself to a $12 pack of Smoked Salmon Morsels DELICIOUS!!!

Thank you so much for all of the texts, emails and phone calls to wish me luck - much appreciated. It certainly helped to know there were people willing me to keep going. Thank you so much, Mum, for coming up and helping out on the big day. You were an absolute angel. It was amazing to see you at the start/finsh line, plus at various stages on the course...the traffic must have been enfuriating! These flowers are for you :)


Deb said...

I was proud of you. It was good to be there to see you achieve your goal after so much training. Sorry I was not much good as the photographer. Pity about the weather!!

Keeny said...

The weather was actually ok to run in...and it was the camera that was not working (still isn't), not you :)

Perhaps you can run it with me next year Mum!

Tinkerbell said...

Congrats Corina! That's brilliant that you achieved your goal and on such a horrid cold day. Nice One!