Tuesday, October 13, 2009

To the gym I go...

Got up at the crack of dawn and went to the gym..infact I was there before it opened! (It opens at 6am). I burnt 530 calories.

Currently, I am just doing a bunch of cardio workouts - treadmill, cross trainer, rowing machine and cycle. However, on Thursday morning I have an appointment with a trainer who is going to teach me how to use the weight machines and make a programme for me. It is all very well to do cardio to lose weight, but doing weights will also help me lose weight (from the inside-out).

I have also found a pedometer, which I clip to my body while at school. I was curious about how many steps I take at work. Today between the hours of 9am and 3pm I made 2870 steps - which is actually disappointing...I thought it might be more like 6000-7000 steps (maybe I have a dodgy pedometer).

1 comment:

Renee said...

You have received a Blog Award!! Go to my blog to check it out :)

Good work on the gym-front...you'll look like a professional once you learn how to use those weight machines!