Yesterday I started the day with swimming 36 lengths at Jellie Park. I used to swim a lot when I was younger, in fact I was a member of Waimates Swimming Squad when I was in High School. This meant training daily at 5.30am, swimming more than 80 lengths each time. It used to be easy!!! Now I can barely do 4 lengths without stopping to rest...oh dear!
I always have a problem of swallowing least... I don't purposely swallow water, and I actually do not recall swallowing water. But, when I got out of the pool yesterday, I swear my belly looked like a basketball and the water level in the swimming pool was remarkably lower than when I entered! I did not feel good...
Breakfast - CS shake (I forget the flavour now), bottle of water
Morning tea - CS snack bar (berry choc), black coffee
Lunch - cappacino, half of my CS breakfast bar (apricot, almond and yoghurt)
Afternoon tea - other half of CS breakfast bar, glass of water
Tea - baked munk fish, carrots, brocolli, mushrooms
Supper - jelly (weight carbs!), berries, peppermint tea
This morning I decided to have a go at Circuit Training at Jellie Park. This is where you have 2 mins at each exercise station for 50 minutes total. The exercsies included sit ups, skipping, tricep pull downs, calf raises, lunges, swiss ball stuff and heaps more. Added to the mix was some group boxing (with gloves and all!) and running outside (up and down stairs) was brilliant! I feel a slight ache in my arms/shoulders/tummy tonight.
Breakfast - CS shake (strawberry), bottle of water
Morning tea - hunk of cheese, black coffee
Lunch - CS milk drink (choc), water
Afternoon tea - cappacino (and piece of gooey caramel slice...oops!)
Tea - venison meatballs with yummy spicy tomato sauce (made by me of course!), cabbage, brocolli, peas and carrots.
Supper - peppermint tea, and thinking about some jelly.
Am sleeping in tomorrow morning...Malc and I might go swimming in the afternoon.
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