Friday, May 14, 2010

23 sleeps left!

...until the half-marathon.

I have done two big runs this week, plus a couple of shorter ones. Last Sunday I ran from my place to Malcolm's (which is soon to be my place too...) which is a 10km run. My time was 1 hr 3 mins...I was stoked! This afternoon, I ran from school to Malcolm's, which is about 8km...took a bit longer than I thought...I am blaming the hot weather and the peak hour traffic.

Anyway....23 sleeps to go...


Jenn said...

The weather definitely has an impact on your runs, eh? On average, do the marathons/ half marathons start early in the morning to give people the best chance of running in cool weather?

Keeny said...

yes, the half-marathons usually have about 8.30 - 9am starts...