Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Christchurch Earthquake 22 February 2011

Well, it has happened again...this time a 6.3 scale earthquake. This one felt much more violent than last years 7.1, and it has caused much more devastating damage, and deaths.

It happened during school time, which was really freaky. The children were superb and went straight out to the field where they snuggled together to keep warm. Parents came promptly and took their children home.

Once my last student was collected I tried again to contact my partner, Malcolm, but cell phone coverage was down. I then drove round to Cobham Intermediate and collected Daniel, as I hadn't heard from Marcus (his father). While at that school there was another quake and we were right next to a building which sounded like it was going to collapse. Once it stopped we went to the car. Unsure of what to do next (as I hadn't heard from Malcolm or Marcus) I parked the car away from any trees and poles and waited. Shortly, Marcus arrived on foot...he had to walk from town (nearly 90 minute walk!). Their house is pretty crashed, so they came to our place.

Luckily, on the way there, I got a call from Malcolm's mum who said Malcolm was fine, and the house was fine. Not long after that, I heard from Malcolm himself. Thank goodness.

It has been 24 hours since it all started, and it has been very shaky. The city centre has had devastating damage, with many buildings collapsed. There are numerous rescue efforts taking place.

Malcolm has been in town for the most part (he came home for a 3.5 hour sleep) helping with shifting machinery needed for the rescue efforts. Apparently last night he had to help remove two dead bodies. I wish he was home with me.

Schools have been closed for the remainder of the week.

Marcus and Daniel are on their way to Wellington.

I am thinking about going home to Waimate, but I don't want to leave Malcolm. Plus, there may be people who need me to help look after children etc. I will see what happens.

Fortunately, we have power and running water, so I have done some baking for Malcolm to take into town for the people who are working there. We have no hot water, however, as our hot water cylinder has moved in the earthquake and the water is leaking through the floor (actually I am now catching it in is yucky and brown!).

I've boiled water in my stock pot.

Thank you for all of you who have messaged and phoned. We are safe and we are very lucky. My thoughts are with those who have not been so lucky.

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